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Now a day for any online business shopping cart feature is very essential. This is the most critical part of our online business. At Webxpert India you will find an exclusive and trouble free shopping cart solutions for its valuable customers where you can easily hunt products before the final check out. Through this online application that functions on the web supports the customers for performing various things at a single time. We assist you in creating a most effectual shopping cart and will support your online business to be effective for your probable clients while making the final payment on choosing a suitable product.

The features we designed to the shopping carts are very easy to use and implement. It provides assistance to both the user as well as the admin part of the business. While shopping cart designing we keep in mind the key features of both the users while purchasing and selling of the products. We have found it very easy to use and implement even though we are not technical, we have integrated it all ourselves and the support has been excellent.

Standard features of shopping cart:Shopping cart-dynamic part

User side

Admin side

Shopping cart user side :

Exhibit your product under different category

User can hunt them through product name

User has to register to purchase them

User can purchase as many items as she can

User will have a capability to choose pay pal and bank gateway

Shopping cart admin side :

Creating and maintaining product/catalog inventor

Grouping all products/catalog information depend upon category/pricing Hosting all products/catalog information

Exhibit all the hosted products on the website in the form of online shopping store

Product/catalog to category or sub-category association.

Secure payment gateway Integration Pay Pal & Bank

Client administration panel for updating their profiling, shipping or billing information

User login and account sign up required

Complete product display and management

Client profile maintenance, mapping clients to order to delivery status

Multi-hierarchy intuitive navigation permits to jump back to any category.

Admin possess the rights to activate and deactivate the" bulk buyers"

For Any Help or Query

If you have a project in mind that you think we could add value to - then please do get in touch - we’d love to hear from you. Please call + 91 - 9582557959, 011-42503051 or Email Id :

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